Michael Dee

Michael Dee

Trained in Accounting, Finance and Investment, Michael has spent his working life in the Finance Industry, specifically in wealth creation. Within the Finance Industry, Michael is regarded as being technically strong, with a broad knowledge base. His approach has always been to challenge the status quo, always looking for the competitive edge to improve results. Michael has long been aware of the effect of geopolitics on investment returns, recognizing that they are a subterranean force acting upon results. He became interested in the use of geopolitics to predict what event would take place next and its effect upon the share market. In doing this Michael realised what an imprecise science it was.

When presented with the concept that predicting the timing of an event that will influence the share price, is more important than what the event itself is, Michael Dee left QIC to demonstrate this. Having previously established a successful boutique Funds Management company, Michael and his team worked tirelessly on developing a method of predicting changes in volatility in the market, with the resultant change in prices. Working with Ian Rogers Co-Director, external to the industry and unconstrained by industry norms, led to an exploration of the stock market in an entirely different way and brought revolutionary insights.

There is a concept which says the world is more organised than people realise. Since the earliest times, the only way to work out issues is through mathematics. We believe that the stock market reflects a microcosm of human behaviour. The only way to de-humanise the market is through using maths.

The whole investment industry is based on reacting to fundamental information not being proactive.   Fundamental research returns began to decline as every investor and commentator analysed the same information, at the same time, after the same event. Everyone trying to do the same thing, on the same day, after the horse had already bolted! This issue is why fund managers struggle to perform better than the benchmark return. It’s same problem for all investors.  Reacting after the event simply doesn’t work.

Stock Nostradamus does everything differently. It took years to get the mathematical algorithms to support these insights, but it has been done. All the complex work is electronically programmed ‘behind the scenes.’

We spent years developing a method of predicting events with share price effects. We analyse the market through changes in volatility – predicting the fundamental events.  Turning the problem of being unable to act in advance of fundamental events on its head. We mathematically predict the events – and trade ahead of them. We deliver these recommendations to our free App called Stock Nostradamus which is ASIC approved.  We are currently using 140 companies on the Australian Stock Exchange (but the logic and success applies to most equity markets).

In the past 7 years the Platinum recommendation returns have been an average of 15% at sale.  The hold period is 4-6 months.  There win rate is 99%+.  All the complex work done by more than 100,000 lines of mathematical code. We are sure you will agree the outcomes are staggeringly good.

Stock Nostradamus is not trying to do the same thing as everyone else. We are proudly different and innovative – for independent thinkers who want to invest differently.

If you would like to know more, please reach out to michael@stocknostradamus.com and download the free “Stock Nostradamus” App.

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